Archive for July 24, 2012

Drink Up!

Summertime, summertime, sum… sum… summertime!

Time to drink up!  It’s hot out, its miserable out, and you want to cool down, right?  Well, drink up!

Grab that bottle, grab a nice, iced glass, and pour yourself a……..  glass of water! 

Ok, ok, I know what you thought I was going to say, and some of that is ok, but when we’re talkin’ summertime it’s even more important to drink water.

If you’re like me, you don’t drink enough water EVER.  I sure don’t.  But, here are a couple of tips.

Drink through a straw.  No kidding.  I tried it and it works.  You drink more through a straw.  Remember bendy-straws?  Kinda fun and come in all sorts of colors.  All sorts of crazy straws out there.  Get some cool ones and give yourself a giggle.

Also, I cannot stand plain water, even filtered.  I HAVE to flavor it.  There’s SO many kinds of flavorings, just stay away from the one’s full of junk, and sugar.  (Look at the ingredient list).  I like “Ocean Spray Cran-Lemonade,” but my FAVE is “True Lemon.”  It’s made from lemon, and a couple of little packs of that and a bit of sweetener in a bottle of water…. and I’ll actually drink water!

(“True Lemon” can be tough to locate in the store.  Sometimes it’s near the other water flavorings, sometimes it’s in the baking section.  Weird.  Bright yellow box and it also comes in orange.)

If you’re wondering, no, I still don’t drink 8 glasses of water a day.  But, I do drink more than I used to!

Oh, and whatever you were thinking when I said, “Drink Up!  Time to drink up!”  Everything in moderation!   :)


4th of July in Europe

So, if you’ve read the “About Me” type pages listed under the heading above (if you haven’t…. read them first.  lol),  you know I’ve lived and worked in a number of places around the world.

This isn’t foodie related, but it’s about one of my escapades while living in Europe, and its kinda funny.

While living in Europe a friend and I were on a British military base trying to find the U.S. Squadron.  The base was NATO-related and had many squadrons, and being American, we were trying to find “our” squadron.

We drove around and around, back and forth.  We thought we were in the right area of the base but it seemed to be pretty quiet for a “work” day, and we couldn’t find anyone to ask for directions, so we continued to search on our own.

After an hour or so of driving around in the same general area, we decided it was about time to extend our search in order to find someone to help us with directions, and we came across the BRITISH post office on this BRITISH air base, and we went in.

“Hi, can you help us with directions, please”

“What are you looking for?”

“The U.S. Squadron.”

“Where have you been looking?”

“Here are the directions we have.  Is that the right place?”

“Yes, that’s the right place.”

“Well, it’s really quiet and no one is around.  Is that normal?”

“No, not really.”

“It’s not?  Then, why would it be so quiet and the Squadron closed up on a work day?”

“Isn’t it a holiday for you?  (Giggle.)  INDEPENDENCE Day?  Independence from US?”  (BIG giggle.)

“OMG.  You’re right!”

Funny, and a little embarrassing, but we all got a laugh out of it, and it still makes me smile when I think of it.

Happy 4th of July!