Chopped Liver

Chopped Liver 1

I've REALLY been wanting Chopped Liver lately, and not the kind with walnuts or lentils in it.

This came out pretty darn close, and I ate it for lunch with a salad and rye bread....   three days in a row!

“Beefy Crumbles”- a brand with few spices

Medium Onion- chopped (doesn’t have to be fine)

“Not Chick’n” Bouillon Cubes- 2, chopped into pieces


Veg Oil/Olive Oil

Worcesteshire Sauce*

Hard-Boiled Eggs- chopped*

Cayenne Pepper*


Sautee 2/3 of onion in a small amount of veg. oil and olive oil.  (The olive oil adds some richness).  As the onion becomes opaque and starts to brown slightly, add “Crumbles” and continue sautéing.

While sautéing, add crumbled bouillon cubes, continue cooking.  Taste.  Add salt and pepper as needed.

*Add Worcestershire Sauce (don’t forget, it contains anchovies and other spices, making the concoction saltier and not truly vegetarian because of the fish, but vegetarian Worcesteshire Sauce is available in stores), or hard-boiled eggs, or cayenne, or sherry, as you like.

Add remaining, raw onion.  Stir for another minute or two to combine flavors and remove from heat.  Cool slightly and pack away in the fridge overnight.  (Always better on the second day!)

Notes- Growing up, we added hard boiled eggs to our chopped liver, but I have a love/hate relationship with eggs, right now, being a vegetarian and not liking the way chickens are treated, so I did not add them.  The one thing I did not do, and I will next time, is to give the mixture a pulse or two in a food processor so it is slightly more “creamy.”  And, I just might try a shot of sherry, too!



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