In a Land Far, Far Away…

In a land far, far, away….  the Land of Military Bases, Defense Contractors, Seal Team Six, International Corporations, and more backyard barbecues than you can shake a stick at, something amazing is happening.

The “Land” is called “Hampton Roads” and its a place where you’d never expect a foodie revolution to be taking place….  but it is.  You’d expect to find this “revolution” in big cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, but no surprise to someone in-the-know, its a “revolution” no more.  Its country-wide and world-wide, and is happening in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia.

What is this “revolution”? Vegetarian/vegan pop-up dinners!  Yes, even in the Land of Military Bases, Defense Contractors, and megawatt backyard barbecues, going “veg” is huge.

Every local restaurant in Hampton Roads has vegetarian options on their menus (they wouldn’t have them if people weren’t asking for them), and now, multiple vegetarian/vegan Pop-Up dinners are happening in preparation for opening the first fully vegetarian/vegan restaurant!

ANOTHER pop-up dinner is coming up, and even in such an out of the way place, previous dinners were sold-out (to vegetarians, vegans, health professionals, and just plain “foodies”), and no doubt this one will be, too.

Information about the chefs running the events, below.  Take a look!

No matter where you live, whether in the U.S. or elsewhere, small towns or large cities, whether for moral, ethical, or health reasons, the desire to “go veg” is growing by leaps and bounds…. even in the Land of megawatt backyard barbecues!

Its country-wide!  Its world-wide!

Go veg!


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